When children are in that toddler age group, they’re eager to help. Of course, you don’t want them to break something or make more of a mess, but if you shoo them away every time, they’ll never learn responsibility. Let them help now and when they’re bigger, they’ll be able to handle much more around the house while taking pride in it too.
Chores build work ethics as well, so start the chores early on and you’ll see how helpful your toddler can be. These 7 chores are ones that even a toddler can do, so start showing them how now!
1. Pick up and put away
Whether it’s dirty laundry in the hamper or toys in the toy bin, show your toddler how to pick up and put away things. Let them pick up and put away things in the main areas of the home too, not just in their own room.
2. Water plants and feed pets
When kids want something more than a fish or turtle as a pet, it’s important to have them learn how to care for those creatures. By having them water plants and feed the fish in the fish tank, they’re learning how to meet the needs of other things that depend on them.
3. Dust surfaces they can reach
Your toddler might not be able to reach every surface, but that’s ok. Put them on dusting detail for the places they are easily able to access.
4. Sweep the floors
Fair warning that your toddler won’t do the best job here, however, they will start building the skills needed to do a good job with sweeping. Be prepared to help with the dustpan or let them hold it while you sweep it in.
5. Set the table
You may have to bring everything out from the kitchen cabinets for your toddler, but they are capable of setting the table for meals. Before you know it, they’ll be doing it without you having to ask.
6. Assist with kitchen prep
No, you don’t want your toddler cutting with knives, but you can have them help you wash vegetables, season things, and do other easy tasks when preparing meals. As they get bigger, they’ll be able to take on more in the kitchen and be a wonderful resource when you need an extra set of hands.
7. Straighten up
One last chore that is ideal for a toddler is fixing up and fluffing the pillows on the sofa or in bed. They can also be asked to make sure the coffee table looks presentable by removing extra cups, straightening the books or magazines on it, and wiping away crumbs.
While toddlers are indeed known for making messes, they’re also hard-wired to be helpful. Tap into this now, not just for the extra help around the house, but more so for teaching them the skills they need to be successful on their own someday.